State Council encourages the proliferation of medical liability insurance

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  • State Council encourages the proliferation of medical liability insurance

On the 18th of November 2014, the State Council issued the “Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Commercial Health Insurance” calling on more Chinese to purchase health insurance. The directive also called for a faster development of the health insurance framework.

One of the contents of the directive was encouraging individuals to obtain various supplementary insurance to address the needs beyond the basic health insurance. Besides that, the document also called for more extensive health insurance for health practitioners. The document also aims to comprehensively promote and regulate commercial insurance agencies that provide coverage to urban and rural residents.

The directive aims to gradually raise the overall level of urban and rural residents illness insurance, establish and improve independent accounting, control health care costs and other management practices, and enhance the ability to reduce risks.

In Brief

On the 18th of November 2014, the State Council issued the “Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Commercial Health Insurance” calling on more Chinese to purchase health insurance.
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