Weekly News – April 26th to May 9th

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  • Weekly News – April 26th to May 9th

How to transform old NGOs
By Chen Jiajun 陈嘉俊, Philanthropy Times 公益时报, April 29, 2014
Chen Jiajun explains that the reason why old NGOs are not able to innovate nowadays is due to their high dependency on their own founders, and because of the lack of coordination and common understanding of the mission and core values of the organization among new staff members. (Chinese)

Environmental Protection Law revised: for the first time the law draws a red line in environmental protection
By China Environment News 中国环境报, April 29, 2014
Voted on April 24, the revised Environmental Protection Law will enter into force in 2015. Among the innovative aspects of this law: a day-based punishment system for companies that pollute, with no maximum limit for the fine; introduction of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) for plans and policies; and innovation in the regulations of public interest environmental litigation. (Chinese)

New law invigorates China’s environmental NGOs
By China Daily, April 29, 2014
Wei Yun, executive director of Green Hunan, comments on the revised environmental law, in particular on the new option for qualified NGOs to take legal action in environmental matters of public interest. Zhang Xiaoxi, of the China Mangrove Conservation Network, warns that the real problem will be the degree of enforcement of this law and the high litigation costs that NGOs will have to bear.

Liu Peng: evaluation of the “2014 Observation Report on the Third Sector of China”
By China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation 中国扶贫基金会, April 29, 2014
Liu Peng, of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, discusses the results highlighted in the latest report on the Chinese third sector, in particular on the need for loosening bureaucratic obstacles to improve the relationship between the government and social organizations. (Chinese)

Experts hail revised environmental law
By China Daily, April 30, 2014
Experts of the Chinese environment sector share their opinion on the recently revised environmental law, that will establish a sound legal basis for the country’s pollution prevention and control efforts, pressuring enterprises to respect the regulations and invest in clean energy practices. The experts also stress that all members of society should join in the fight against pollution.

Kang Xiaoguang: a “double variation” of regulation and deregulation in the public interest sector
By China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation 中国扶贫基金会, April 30, 2014
The public interest sector in the last thirty years has been facing an alternation between periods of strict regulations and tight government control and periods of de-regulation and improvement of state-society relations. Kang Xiaoguang, professor and director of the Nonprofit Research Institute of Renmin University, explains the reasons why at present the government follows both these strategies when dealing with social organizations. (Chinese)

The three-year battle for China’s new environmental law
By Long Xinxin 龙信鑫, China Dialogue 中外对话, April 30, 2014
After a disappointing first draft version in 2012, four rounds of law reviews, and a strong debate in the public sphere, the newly revised Environmental Protection Law contains many provisions that can boost China’s environmental protection, but only if strongly implemented. Local governments still have a tight control on Environmental Protection Bureaus, potentially creating obstacles to the effective implementation of the new law.

An NGO report on Governmental Information Disclosure criticizes the excessive degree of secrecy
By Sheng Menglu 盛梦露 and Lan Fang 蓝方 , China Economics & Finance 财新网, May 5, 2014
Six years after the implementation of the Regulation on Open Government Information, the organization Actogether publishes an observation report focusing on the obstacles that citizens still have to face for obtaining information about the work of the government. (Chinese)

Wang Zhenyao: explaining the One Foundation case
By The Beijing News 新京报, May 6, 2014
After the Lushan earthquake, the One Foundation received 38 billion RMB of donations, spending 12% of these funds in disaster relief projects. According to the regulations, they should have spent at least 70% of these donations. Public opinion has started to question the One Foundation, accusing it of corruption and diversion of funds. In this interview Wang Zhenyao clarifies the position of the Foundation and the different methods and rules for carrying out long-term disaster relief projects.

In Brief

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